About Us

Northcote is a beautifully designed, purpose built Early Learning Centre with a stunning woodland backdrop, located in close proximity to Northcote Primary School.

At Northcote, we believe that all children have immense potential. The curriculum we offer seeks to unlock that potential and to support them to learn how to learn. Respectful and collaborative relationships are the key contributors to our learning environment. We strive to provide responsive and attentive care to build secure connections with our children.

We recognise the fundamental role parents and whānau play in our curriculum and work in partnership with their aspirations to build an authentic picture of each child as a learner. Children’s individual interests and identity guide our practice and we endeavour to provide a learning environment that enhances children’s mana and their learner identity every day.

We would like to extend an invitation to all prospective parents and whānau to join us for a tour around our wonderful centre.


The management and staff at Northcote Early Learning Centre aim to provide high-quality early childhood care and education for young children and a supportive environment for parents and whānau. We endeavour to achieve this by providing superior facilities, quality educational resources and programmes, and well-qualified, caring educators.

  • received_410823774085316

    Lizzie Holmes

    Centre Manager

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    Erin Ashe


  • Bella (1)

    Bella Li

    Piccoli Team Leader

  • received_555782619632880

    Deearna Lucas

    Mezzo Team Leader

  • received_3011180519131317

    Anna Jo

    Mezzo Team Leader

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    Lumai Dikshit

    Bambini Team Leader

Our Philosophy

We believe that all children have immense potential and the curriculum we offer seeks to unlock that potential and to support them to learn how to learn.

Respectful and collaborative relationships are the key contributors to our learning environment. We strive to provide responsive and attentive care to build secure connections with our children.

We recognise the fundamental role parents and whānau play in our curriculum and work in partnership with their aspirations to build an authentic picture of each child as a learner. Children’s individual interests and identity guide our practice and we endeavour to provide a learning environment that enhances children’s mana and their learner identity every day.

Shared values, clear expectations and consistency are embedded in our practice to provide tamariki with a positive climate to develop the social competence skills that will prepare them to live successfully in a 21st-century world. Teachers work alongside children to role model emotional intelligence, resilience and optimism to empower them to learn and grow.

Health and wellbeing is a crucial element of our curriculum. We believe in teaching children the skills to look after themselves to ensure they are resilient and physically fit, confident in their own culture, language and identity

The learning environment is created and designed with mindful consideration of aesthetics to ensure children have opportunities for uninterrupted play that sparks creativity.

Children are viewed as investigators who take responsibility for their own learning both autonomously and collaboratively. Inquiry-based learning enables children to be continually challenged to be risk-takers and develop optimism and resourcefulness.

Early literacy and numeracy are embedded within our curriculum and opportunities are provided to work with visual arts, science and technology.

We acknowledge the bicultural partnership inherent within Te Tiriti o Waitangi and are committed to practising and developing te reo and tikānga in all aspects of our teaching.

Team up with Us